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Sunday, November 29, 2015

Primary Sacrament Meeting Presentation

Greetings from Bonaire!

Today we had our Primary  Sacrament Meeting Presentation. The theme this year is "I Know My Savior Lives". We have practiced for a few Saturdays and as usual we wondered if everything would go ok. Though our numbers are few they all put their best foot forward and it was a great success .

We have a small Primary but they have a lot of heart! Sister Albus has done a great job teaching them, the Primary songs in Papiamentu and  Dutch, and all 6 of them sing with gusto and volume. Melody, 12 said a scripture even though she is out of primary. Jayfi is 10 got kind of shy as he read his scripture and covered his face as we sang and the other 3, Gisley - 8yrs., Dayra - 7yrs., and Mayra - 5yrs, said their testimonies beautifully. Very sweet. The 5 nursery children were surprisingly still as they stood up  and held a banner with the words in Papiamentu "I Know My Savior Lives"

Think of the incredible gift it is for our little children to know that their Savior Lives. The primary organization is critical in teaching the children precious truths of the gospel that can help prepare them to face and withstand the temptations in the world today. 
Just through the songs this year they have learned: 1. "The Family is of God"  2. We need to "Love One Another" 3.  the "Holy Ghost" will testify and comfort them  4. If we "Follow the Prophet" we will guide us back to our Heavenly Father 5. that Heavenly Father " He Sent His Son" to help us. 

What a gift the gospel is in our lives.I feel so blessed. I am thankful for Primaria and to be here to have these experiences.

Waters of Baptism

Greetings from Bonaire!

Last week on Saturday we had another baptism. Demi Holkenborg was finally able to be baptized. She has been coming to church and investigating for about 2 years. Her best friend Genesis Saragoza told her about repentance one day on the swings in the playground at school. From then on she began to come to church and her testimony gradually started to grow. 

She turned 18 on the 20th of November and was baptized on the 21st. Her parents would not give consent for her to be baptized, so she had to wait till she was of age.
She was so excited and ready. She asked the Sister Missionaries and me to sing at the service. We chose "Come Follow Me" and she wept as we sang. It was so sweet.

After the service at the church building we all drove to "Pink" Beach. It was sunset and as the sun sank into the blue waters of the Caribbean Sea, Demi entered the waters of baptism and her sins were washed away and she was clean and ready to start her new life as a member of His church.

It was so beautiful. An occasion for rejoicing as one of God's children accepted the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The next day Elder VV was asked to confirm her a member of the Church of Jesus of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and to give her the gift of the Holy Ghost. 

How blessed we feel to be part of these incredible events.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

International Day of Service "Hearts and Hands 2015"

Advertising Our November 7th Event at the Church

Greetings from Bonaire!

November 7th, 2015 was the church sponsored International Day of Service "Hearts and Hands 2015" in the Caribbean Area.

Several months ago, instruction from the Area leaders of the Church, encouraged the Branches and other church units to find a project as soon as possible and invite members, family friends, and others to join with us in a worthwhile Community Project. It was also suggested to involve others by teaming up with other groups or churches.  As the deadline approached and was only several weeks away and there was still no decision on what to do, we, Elder Vander Veur and I, realized that we needed to become very involved and get things going for our Branch's project!

First we asked a Congregation of Protestants whose historical church is situated in the town's main square, Wilhelmina Plaza. The building's paint was peeling, the yard was full of weeds and the whole place looked unkempt and messy. It was in serious need of help . We offered to join with their congregation and spruce things up.

After a visit with the government representative of the church, we learned that the church had lost it's government funding and that a committee would have to be asked about our offer.  After several email communications that received no response, we realized we needed to start looking for another opportunity to serve!

Finally it was suggested the Amas Ball Field, where the Branch has played soft ball a few times, was really in rough shape and could use a cleanup. It was a mess! Garbage everywhere, broken bottles, the fence was broken down, the backstop was falling apart, and a big pile of limbs, dirt and debris. 

Homemade emergency backstop!

At some time a bulldozer created a pile of dirt and trash.  The wind added more debris!

Play Ball? Note fence and trash.

Where is the garbage can?!

It was decided, we'll go with the old ballpark.

First we went to the head of Parks and Recreation at the government because the fence was down so we asked for wire to stretch and repair the fence. We explained that we didn't have money but we were willing and hard working. After several emails and talking in person, with no help...they talked nice but no action... we decided to take the matter into our own hands.

We went to the biggest hardware store on the island Kooyman - kind of like Home Depot - and asked for wire, gloves, and pliers. They were very kind, helpful and generous.

We talked to the local garbage company Selibon and asked for garbage bags. They gave us a dumpster, garbage bags and hand sanitizer for all!

Angel Mejia, whose wife and children are members of the branch, is in construction and agreed to come and help stretch the fence.

Then we needed to get the word out so more people would come and help so we went to the most popular radio station and Aimed Ayubi offered to interview Elder VV on the radio. "Live 99.9 FM" gave him a 3 minute interview in Dutch to tell his story and ask for help.

Even though nobody from the community came to help, we had 3 little boys who also play on the ball field and 22 members and missionaries from the Branch. 
After our effort...fence up again...and clean as a whistle!

Now that is better!

We filled the donated Dumpster to the top!

WOW! That looks Great...no trash against the fence!

Now...Let's Play Ball!

A man from the EXTRA newspaper, one of the most read newspapers on the island, had heard Elder VV on the radio spot and decided to come over for some photos of our project and a brief interview.  On November 9th, Djaluna (Tuesday) we were in the paper (on page 38)! A big headline, a brief article and 6 photos of some of our workers.  Cool!

We fed everybody with watermelon, apples, sandwiches, cookies and punch. All in all it was a successful experience and a worthwhile service project for the members to participate in.

Angel Mejia and President Brian Albus

The whole group

Thanks to one and all

All set for the next ball game!

Elder VV and I had a good experience talking to people in the community and making more people aware of the church's presence here on Bonaire.

We learned valuable lessons - it can't hurt to ask, people are nicer than they look, when nothing happens or they say "no" ...oh well, and we are braver than we thought!

We made the news!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Baptism in the Sea

Greetings from Bonaire!

Last Saturday on November 7th, we had our service project in the morning and we had a baptism planned for that afternoon at 4:00pm. As we worked cleaning up the ball field, the Branch Mission leader came up and asked me to speak at the baptism for Mimi Creer in a few hours! 

In the MTC they told us that Senior Missionaries should be flexible...so, "sure!" was my reply. It was a busy day because before that, a couple of the young women wanted to interview me for a "Faith" Personal Progress Value goal on mothers. 

The baptism was wonderful. After the talks we all drove to "Pink Beach". It was the perfect setting for a baptism. A lovely breeze, not too hot, just right!, the gentle waves kissing the shore, the sky was full of clouds touched by pink as the setting sun created a back drop of unbelievable beauty.  Sweet Mimi was quietly pleased and happy as she became a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The group sang "This is the Christ" and heaven rejoiced as a daughter joined the fellowship of Saints in Bonaire.

Now the rest of the story! ...

Mimi was a student at the St. James School that has left the island to go to St. Vincent. She came from Dallas Texas and went back there for Christmas before starting school again on the new island.

After she became a new member of the church she attended the Dutch/English "group" with us. She operated the electric piano, she gave her first talk in church the week after she was baptized, she prayed in church, and then a few weeks later she gave the Sunday School - Gospel Principles - lesson on keeping the Sabbath Day Holy. 'She did a great job and shared some new thoughts she had never had before. As she was learning about the church and preparing for a lesson.
It was wonderful to watch as little by little and ...line upon line she was learning and discovering the truths of the gospel. 

We have so much to be grateful for!