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Friday, September 11, 2015

Everything you can squeeze into the bag for 10 Bucks!

Living on the the ABC Islands is very expensive but once in awhile a good deal comes along!

We shop for groceries several times a week. We usually start at the Warehouse Supermarket, where prices are lower for produce and meat and some other items. Then we drive a short distance on the same street to VAN DEN TWEELS!

Van Den Tweel, is the islands finest supermarket! It's fancy, near-new, clean, larger and more products....and a Deli....and a Bakery! They carry more Dutch products (rather than Latino) and it's frequented by more Dutchmen and tourists. Identical products that you might find at both stores cost more here!

Anyway....when Sister Albus, a local member called a couple of days ago and told us about a special produce sale.....everything you can squeeze into the bag for 10 Bucks....we immediately hopped in the car, called and picked up the Sister Missionaries and filled our bags!

The Sisters chose some different fruits and veggies than we did, but I think I may have set a volume record as I skillfully packed my bag! It was a bit tricky to carry to the car, but I made it.
As soon as we arrived back at our apartment, I spread the goods out on the counter and took the picture (that I hope to attach to this email!).

It was a challenge to get it all in the fridge....but I did (using many of the same skills and techniques used to get it all in the bag).

NOW....we'll need to be on top of our game to eat it all before it spoils!!!!..

Elder Vander Veur

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