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Friday, April 1, 2016

Flat Tire

Greetings from Bonaire!

It has probably been about 6 months since we have had a flat tire! We drove down to Playa today and parked on the boulevard ready to  go for our walk and noticed the car tire was flat! -  flat as a pannenkoek! 

Elder VV got busy changing the tire. Several people walked by said "Bon dia" but one sweet American woman from Alabama stopped. She said, "Oh, no! can I help you? Is everything alright?" I said that we were fine, Elder VV looked up and smiled as he worked. She said if it was her husband he would be swearing then interjected, "But y'all don't swear do you." We chuckled and she went on. 

I recognized her and had waved and said hi in passing but we actually had never talked to her before. 

We met her on the way back from our walk and chatted briefly and she was telling us about some of the fish swimming by.

We found out she has been here for 13 years and had been coming to the island for the past 30 years. They saved up their money, bought a few rentals units, had just sold them and built a house. They love Bonaire. 

As she parted she said, "Well, thanks for coming to Bonaire to help save our souls!"

It was a humbling experience to realize that we are watched and noticed. People recognize us and take note of what we do.

I am so glad we weren't swearing! 

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