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Friday, January 1, 2016


Greetings from Bonaire!
Happy New Year!

What comes to mind when we say New year’s Eve? Parties, staying up late, fireworks, celebrations, family, games, karaoke, sjoelbak, puzzles, chess or checkers. Food..gazpacho, caviar pie, soup, 7 layer dip, croquetten and,...Oliebollen!

You are not the only ones who think of oliebollen. The Dutch have brought their tradition to the island and it is not hard to find an oliebollen at New Year’s time here. You can make them yourself or buy them at the grocery store or order them from restaurants!  

Sister Albus made about 75 yesterday and there will be more today as she has invited us, the missionaries and others to her house for more oliebollen! They were delicious. They have a store bought mix and she adds raisins and grated apple and they are very light and airy. Yum Yum!

At midnight we drove down by the sea to see the fireworks that were exploding all over the island and there were fireworks all around us. Elder VV counted at least 35-40 places where they were setting off spectacular displays. WOW! It sounded like a rumbling train and the smell of gun powder was in the air everywhere we went. It started before 12 and then continued on till almost 2am, but the biggest displays were at midnight. It was quite a sight to behold!

The island was welcoming 2016 in with a bang!

We are looking forward to the next 6 months as we continue on with helping further the Lord’s work here on the island of Bonaire in 2016.

We wish you a Prospero Ano and a Gelukkig Nieuwaar and a Bon Ano Nobo.

-Elder & Sister VV

The package mix and powdered sugar at the store with Elder VV

Appel Flappen

Buying olibollen

Oliebollen being made at Van den Tweel (the grocery store)

They fill the hopper with dough and drop about 35 or 36 dough balls into the hot oil at one time.


The restaurant where you can order olibollen

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