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Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Zone Conference

Greetings from Bonaire!

May 6th was our final Zone Conference . We arrived at the airport a few hours early per instruction for our flight at 8:40 am. We were told that there was really not a flight at that time. We waited to see if there would be space in the 10:40 flight...No such luck. Finally we flew out on the 1 pm flight so we waited about 5 hours to take a 20 minute flight to get to Curacao for our 11 am meeting and then returned to Bonaire at 9 pm! Insel Air should have some competition!

We had plenty of time to study and ponder and doze off and read and talk and play the BofM scripture game with the Elders and pose for pictures.

It was a great Conference and since it was supposed to start at 11am. We arrived just in time for lunch!

President Egbert taught about the Temple and we read from the scriptures about the Temple ordinances. It was a very important afternoon then it was back to Bonaire. 

The missionaries who would not be a the next Zone Conference were asked to bear testimonies. It made me think about all the things we have learned from the President and the missionaries and how thankful I am for this opportunity to serve a mission.

We have come to love so many of the missionaries and the Egbert's. It was a sad time saying goodbye

I know these pictures won't mean as much to you all. They are for me.

These young men and young women are representatives of Jesus Christ. They take their job seriously. They teach about our loving Heavenly Father, The Apostasy and the Restoration, the Book of Mormon and the Atonement.

While these young men and young women are still only kids and sometimes they act their age... we have learned so much from them and we have come to love them very much. The Lord is using them to do his work.

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