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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Touring the Island

Today Elder Packer was transferred back to the DR, so Elder Chub doesn't have a companero . So he had to hang out with us till 10 pm when his new companion flys in tonight. We had a wonderful day! First, we went on our walk after we dropped off Elder Packer, and we were a sight.  2 men in white shirts and me in my pants leading the way. Then there were 3 seats that didn't get sold on Bonaire Vista Tours so the Albus's invited us to go! President Albus is a tour guide for groups who come on the cruise ships. He takes them on a 3 1/2 hour tour of the island.. It was so interesting and a lot of the places we have been to and seen are now even more interesting now that we know some history,trivia and extra facts. President Albus is a very intelligent and charming and funny. The gave us a souvenir picture, and drinks. The tour was great and he didn't charge us!

-Sister VV

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