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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Our New Elder

Last week was transfer day. We sent Elder Packer off to the D.R. and Elder Atkinson came in later that day from the D.R. to join Elder Chub and us. He has been on the mission for a year. He is from Guyana which is an English speaking country, that used to be under British rule. It is in South America next to Surinam on the coast of the Caribbean. He speaks very good Espanol and he is enthusiastic and a go-getter. The Elders came to dinner Sunday as usual and in the conversation he said that someone was "pissed off". Elder VV and I cringed! and later that evening Elder VV mentioned that "pissed" is not usually a word we say and it is kind offensive and he probably shouldn't say it any more.  Elder Atkinson was surprised and said that one of  his American companions in the D.R. told him that when someone is upset that is what you say. He accepted the correction with a good attitude.

-Sister VV

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