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Thursday, May 28, 2015

Visiting Teaching

Greetings from Bonaire!

Sunday we took Marta home from church. She was so excited! She only speaks Espanol so we weren't sure what she was so happy about but we knew it had something to do with, maestras visitantes and how she is very activo and came todos dias to iglesia.

Marta is a "dry member" of the church, who wants to get baptized but can't because she isn't married. She has been living with Edgar for many years, they have a grown son and daughter, anyway Edgar is dragging his feet about getting married.

She comes each week to church and loves the missionaries and loves the gospel. Months ago the Relief Society counselor asked me if non-members could be visiting teachers.  So I called my friend Berthene to have  her check. She called Kristie the Stake RS Pres., who called the general board and they said if it is ok with the local priesthood leader and she comes to church and has a member partner it is fine.    

I never imagined visiting teaching could cause such joy. The Elder's said she was "giddy" when she told them that she could be a visiting teacher! What a faithful woman.

What a lesson for us. She has the true vision of visiting teaching that we often miss. It is a privilege and blessing to be a visiting teacher... In the red book it says, "visiting teaching gives women the opportunity to watch over, strengthen, and teach one another....visiting teachers sincerely come to know and love each sister, help strengthen her faith and give service."

Congratulations to Marta. Called to be visiting teacher!

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