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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

What do you do all day?

Ethan and others have repeatedly asked "What do you do all day on your mission, Oma?"
      WelI, our calling is Member Leadership Support Missionaries. So we do things to help support the Branch President and the members, 
Here are some of the things we do each day. It is always different.
     We arise around 6 AM to go on our walk on the playa. We walk for about an hour depending on who we run in to and the errands we do on the way home. Yesterday we stopped off at the Elder's place to deliver an inner tube for Elder Chub's flat bike tire.   Then we come home and either do the laundry on Tuesdays or Mondays depending on the landlady. and usually on that day we work in the yard to earn our laundry time.
    On Tuesday evenings we have a meeting with the branch mission leader and the missionaries. We discuss ways to help less active members.
     Thursdays we sometimes go to the Zone and District Meeting on Skype when they invite us, because it is all in Spanish and the Elders can't translate for us and participate both very easily.
    Earlier this week we met Magali, another Dutch speaking person we met when we were shopping. She was at the hospital waiting for her doctors  appointment so she said we could tell her about the gospel while she waited.
     In the mornings we read the Book of Mormon. I just finished again, so both Elder VV and I are now I reading it in Spanish and English simultaneously. We study our Sunday School lesson, study Spanish, we write emails, we clean the apartment. The windows are always open and if we are lucky there is a breeze so there is always a fine thin layer of dust on everything.  
     Some mornings we fix our car's flat tire or get a new battery after being stranded. Yesterday I made cupcakes so I could take a treat to Genesis, one of the members of the rama for her birthday. Also some thank you cupcakes to Tropical Car Care, the garage that worked on our leaking oil pan for 8 hours, and then finally gave up and said it couldn't be fixed and so they did not charge us. So we wrote them a note and took cupcakes.
      One day, Lidia, who is a Dutch speaking investigator, called and said she wanted to see us. We had high hopes. When we got there she wanted us to take her to the bank because she is diabetic and on crutches and can't drive or walk very good because of the wound on her foot. 
     Right after that we were on our way to a meeting to help plan fund raising for the youth conference in Curacao in July. btw - one of the things they are going to do is sell iguana bergers at a market in Rincon. So, Saturday is the iguana hunt. Elder VV is so excited!
     Everyday is different. Last week we went to lunch at Marta's house. She is a faithful woman who can't get baptized because she isn't married to the man she has lived with the past 26 years and has 2 grown children with. It is her birthday on Sunday so she wanted to celebrate, by cooking for us all day? Yes, she did. (Some of the cupcakes are for her also). She fed us a traditional Dominican dinner. Rice, potatoes, chicken, fried plantains, salad, and a yummy fruit drink(watermelon and something else). She doesn't speak any English so we have to depend on the Elders to translate.
     We wait in lines to pay the water and gas bills for the Elders or to find out questions for them. ie - What does it take to get married on the island?
      We also go to the store frequently for ingredients for the cookies, cupcakes, and dinners we make for the Elders.
     Well, we are going down to the iglesia in a little while to see what's happening at activity night and Saturday is movie night at the church.
     We feel very blessed to be serving here on the island of Bonaire in a nice apartment, with safe water, with the dollar as our currency, with kind and friendly people, and to never have the worry of getting cold. We love you all and are so blessed by your love and support.
Bye for now, Elder and Sis VV

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