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Friday, June 24, 2016

God is in the Details of our Lives

Greetings from Bonaire!

Yesterday we had the Dutch speaking Elders come to dinner and they were all smiles when they came in. They had had a miracle happen! They had ridden their bikes up the hill to Republic, where we live, in the thick humid Bonairian heat. They had been contacting for about 3 hours and had no water!

They were very thirsty and tired and wondered together what they could do, and probably asked a silent prayer. The next door they came to they met a Dutch woman. She said she wasn't interested in their message but then asked them if they wanted a drink. They were so surprised and relieved. She brought out two cans of pop each for them.

It seems like a little thing but two two very thirsty and diligent missionaries certainly felt the hand of the Lord in that small tender mercy.

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