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Thursday, June 2, 2016

Youth Conference

Greetings from Boinaire!

It is that time of year again.Youth Conference will be the 6th of July in Aruba. Last year the 4 youth who went to Curacao had such a wonderful life changing experience that 4 more want to join them this time. 

So we had a fundraiser last weekend. 
All of the 8 youth who plan on coming put in their time at Magazina de Rei (think Pioneer Village) and the Taste of Bonaire (an event where local restaurants and vendors sell their food at booths in the Willhelmina Plein).

So all day Saturday from 8 am to 10 pm at two separate events the youth worked at cooking and assembling, taking the orders & money, looking for customers and passing out flyers. 

Burgers anyone? We have iguana, cabrito (goat), fish, chicken, and plain old beef burgers... with fries of course!

They were  successful ventures that will be repeated in the next few weeks all leading up to the ultimate Bar B Que ( ribs, chicken, cole slaw, & moro (rice and beans) sale on July 2nd where they could conceivably make $1,000.00!

It looked like they were having a great time together creating memories and sharing fun times.

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