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Friday, July 8, 2016


Greetings from Bonaire!

The traditional month long celebrations for Sister VV's birthday started early on Friday the 1st of July, due to an eventful Saturday with the YM/YW fund raiser and a baptism.

We had heard about a restaurant with great reviews. Sebastian's. 

We were seated in the perfect spot, on a little balcony right next to the sea. It was so beautiful and serene. We were the first people to get to the restaurant at 6pm. 

The sun was getting ready to set. Our waitress and waiter were very attentive and charming.

First we were brought a fruity drink with the cutest little tiny straw! 
Then bread with dipping oil and salt, followed by Israeli couscous.

We shared a spinach salad with bleu cheese crumbles, nuts, apple slices, and a balsamic dressing and a bowl of lobster bisque. Lekker!

For the entree we chose the barracuda on "melted" tomatoes. so yummy! and the salmon on pasta with a lobster sauce, served with sweet potato fries and truffle mayonnaise.

The food was divine and the setting was exceptional. It was so beautiful...a lovely breeze not too cool and not too warm. 

As a sail boat glided by in the distance the sunset turned from shades of blues, grays, and pinks to brilliant reds, oranges, and yellows as the sun slowly disappeared into the sea.

It was a scene from the movies! What a fun way to start the month of July!

Saturday, July 2, 2016

The Vander Veurs visit the Vander Veurs!

                              Bon Bini Na Bonaire  Barry and Emily!

Yea! They are here!

        We had such a wonderful visit from Barry and Emily last week! It was interesting how the two visits from the children were quite different! We did a few of the same things, but we had a bunch of firsts too.

  One of our friends arranged for us to visit the Cargill Salt Company operation. We learned the processes involved in getting the salt from the pink salt pans to our dinner table. Very interesting. We all got a souvenir chunk of salt!

Susan - on the right - arranged for the visit to the Salt Company. Poppy- on the left - was our instructor

Mountains of salt

From the sea, to the salt pans, to the table

Emily and Elder VV went snorkeling, we walked along the beach and found some really unique coral formations and a mountain of conch shells.

By the sea

Conch shells galore. We have been encouraged to not to eat the conch as they are protected on Bonaire
South shore by Lac Bay

We explored the Mangroves rowing in a kayak
Lookin' good in the mangroves!

Mangroves are shrubs or small trees that grow in costal saline or brakish waters. The mangrove forest on Bonaire acts as a huge nursery for Bonaire's coral reefs. Managing a kayak is a bit harder then it looks...it was fun to paddle around and see some of the sea life, even though we got stuck in some sea grass!

We dined on a "family favorite" -. kapsalon. A dish of french fries, topped with shawarma meat,chopped up cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, onion, and some yummy sauce.

Then for a little more gourmet evening we tried a lovely restaurant - "Ingrid"ients that had a view of the sea at sunset.
We also enjoyed our morning walks along the sea.

Dinner at "Ingrid"ients Restaurant


Stone bench on the overlook to Rincon

Rincon is the small village north of Kralendijk. It was the first settlement on Bonaire. Tucked away in a little valley it was naturally protected from pirates and raids.

Gotomeer is an inland salt water lake on the way to Rincon. It is a good spot to catch a glimpse of the flamingos

We went to discover the donkey sanctuary where we were surrounded and then chased by them. Emily and Barry brought some carrots for the donkeys. When the carrots were gone, one tried to take a bite out of the side view mirror on our car! there really is a spot where he scraped off the paint!

The donkeys were introduced to the island by the Spanish in 1526. Donkeys and goats are free to walk around the island, but recently some have been captured and taken to be cared for in the donkey sanctuary . They captured the interest of Emily. It must have been mutual because they kept following her around!

Where are my carrots!

Seru Largu is the 2nd highest elevation on the island. The monument is of religious nature. It provides a great view of the island.

                                    We finished off the week at the outdoor movie.
At Empire Cinema waiting for  "The Jungle Book"  to begin and for our Thai dinner to be served

Bye for now! we had a great time!

            What a week! Just one mad round of pleasure. 
       We really enjoyed our time with the Vander Veur's.
                                  Thanks for coming!

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Homeward Bound

Greetings from Bonaire!

Our 18 months are almost spent. Time is up! We're outta here! Adios amigos, Wij zijn weg!  We are homeward bound.  Time to go. We bid all a fond farewell, Sayonara, Auf Wiedersesehen, Hasta lugeo. Tot ziens. Ayo. Au revoir. Mission accomplished. Farewell to Bonaire! 

We are headed to Trinidad on the 12th of July. There is a missionary goodbye meeting at the mission home and then on the 14th of July we are winging our way to the USA, arriving in SLC that evening.

We will be speaking in sacrament meeting on the 24th of July at 9 am. We know Sunday is a busy day. Please do not feel any obligation to come that early in the am.

That said, we would love seeing any of you who would care to come. You are welcome to stop by the house after the meeting.

Our church building is at 1970 East Viscounti Drive in Sandy Utah. Viscounti Drive is approximately 8600 South. Approach from Highland Drive (2000 East) and turn west at the light onto Viscounti (not East on Alta Canyon Drive).

We have appreciated your support the past 18 months. Thank you for your comments, prayers, and encouragement.

Elder and Sister VV

Friday, June 24, 2016

Visiting Teaching

Greetings from Bonaire!

Today Nurjia and I went visiting teaching to Jessica. The June message is on Temple Ordinances and Covenants.

Jessica has not been able to come to church lately. She is in charge of the breakfast buffet at a resort on the island. She has to work every Sunday. Even though she has not been able to come to church, she continues to say her prayers and have faith in God. 

As we visited she was excited to tell us about some blessings she has received the past few months. Then she told us the BIG news (it was the perfect lead-in to the message). Sterling (the father of her 2 children) had asked her to marry him! She was very surprised and happy. We pointed out that this was the first step toward being sealed in the Temple with her family. 

Jessica is a great example of repentance. She was baptized, met Sterling, made bad choices, came back and now is looking forward with hope.

As we make and keep sacred covenants with God we can have the power to smile through hard times and have hope and direction and peace in a world full of troubles and uncertainty.     

God is in the Details of our Lives

Greetings from Bonaire!

Yesterday we had the Dutch speaking Elders come to dinner and they were all smiles when they came in. They had had a miracle happen! They had ridden their bikes up the hill to Republic, where we live, in the thick humid Bonairian heat. They had been contacting for about 3 hours and had no water!

They were very thirsty and tired and wondered together what they could do, and probably asked a silent prayer. The next door they came to they met a Dutch woman. She said she wasn't interested in their message but then asked them if they wanted a drink. They were so surprised and relieved. She brought out two cans of pop each for them.

It seems like a little thing but two two very thirsty and diligent missionaries certainly felt the hand of the Lord in that small tender mercy.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Testimony Meeting

Greetings from Bonaire!

Today in Fast and Testimony meeting several youth bore their testimonies.
Both were recently baptized.

Sygried is just 12 years old. She is a friend Melody brought to church last year. Several sets of  Sisters taught her over the months when she was just 11. She is the only member of the church in her family. Her parents agreed to let her get baptized last December but they are very protective of her and she has been grounded from church a few times for coming in late and other infractions of the rules. She has been having conflict with her father about the rules of the home and just about growing up. 

Today she bore her testimony about the power of prayer. She told of how the atmosphere at home was strained and not comfortable. She decided to pray that things would get better between her and her dad. She said, she prayed and prayed and then prayed some more and then one day he father sat down with her and told her how much he loved her and how he knew she was growing up and she told him how she felt. It was a good conversation and things are much better between them. 

She bore her testimony of the power of prayer. I think what impressed me most is that this sometimes silly, flirty just 12 year old girl had the maturity to turn to her Heavenly Father to get help with her earthly father, just like she did when she went to Him to ask if the church is true.

At the next meeting for the Dutch "group" Freddie DePalm bore his testimony about the blessing of keeping the Sabbath Day holy.

Frederick was baptized at the first of the year in January. Freddy is also the only member in his family and is friends with the youth in the Branch. He was introduced to the gospel through Wednesday night basketball with the youth. He is more than 6 feet tall, skinny, soft spoken and had to be held back in school because he had cancer in his teen age years. 

Freddy told about finals week before graduation. They were being tested on everything they have learned over all the school years. 

The missionaries gave him a lesson on keeping the Sabbath Day Holy. He decided not to study on Sunday even though it was just before a big test on Tuesday. So, Monday night he stayed up late studying but gave up because he couldn't find the answers and was very tired. He went to bed but then he heard a voice say to get up and try again. He got back up, started to study again and finally found the answers he had been looking for. He studied till 5 am then took a little nap then took the test. He got like 95% on the test and a testimony of keeping the Sabbath Day Holy, and a testimony that the Lord knows him and cares about him individually.

We have been so blessed to know the exceptional youth in the Branch. They are faithful and trying to follow the prophet  and keep gospel standards in a world where it is difficult. 

The future of the church in Bonaire looks hopeful.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Youth Conference

Greetings from Boinaire!

It is that time of year again.Youth Conference will be the 6th of July in Aruba. Last year the 4 youth who went to Curacao had such a wonderful life changing experience that 4 more want to join them this time. 

So we had a fundraiser last weekend. 
All of the 8 youth who plan on coming put in their time at Magazina de Rei (think Pioneer Village) and the Taste of Bonaire (an event where local restaurants and vendors sell their food at booths in the Willhelmina Plein).

So all day Saturday from 8 am to 10 pm at two separate events the youth worked at cooking and assembling, taking the orders & money, looking for customers and passing out flyers. 

Burgers anyone? We have iguana, cabrito (goat), fish, chicken, and plain old beef burgers... with fries of course!

They were  successful ventures that will be repeated in the next few weeks all leading up to the ultimate Bar B Que ( ribs, chicken, cole slaw, & moro (rice and beans) sale on July 2nd where they could conceivably make $1,000.00!

It looked like they were having a great time together creating memories and sharing fun times.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Memorial Day

Memorial Day was not yesterday here on Bonaire. I think it was a few weeks ago cause we have seen wreaths around and fake flowers in the cemetery.

I have very fond memories of Memorial Day when I was a young girl. We all gathered at the Wasatch Lawn Cemetery. The aunts and uncles came. All brought flowers - purple iris and white pom poms were from our house, 

We remembered Grandma and Grandpa Romney, The cousins Rosy and Cindy and David and Karen, Corey, Marv, Lynne and Laurie and the little kids  all played around on the grass. I wish I would have listened to the grown-up talk... that would have been so interesting.

After the cemetery we all went up Mill Creek Canyon for breakfast. I can see Aunt Bea standing cooking bacon. Then she cracked the eggs into the simmering hot bacon grease.  Those eggs were delicious! A heart attack waiting to happen ..but people didn't worry about  things like that in the olden days.

I am so thankful for the heritage I come from and for the examples of faithful people I observed as a young girl and throughout my life.
I am so glad that we are celebrating the 100th birthday year of our father Alvin Charles Soderborg on the 27th of November 2016.

I, Kathleen Soderborg Vander Veur having been born of goodly parents was taught in the learning of my father and mother in the ways of God. As we remember dad this year and the things he taught us I will  also remember all those  who have gone before, for  lives well lived, testimonies borne in word and by example and I will remember and be thankful. 

We love you all so much. Thank for your prayers and love and support.

 A war memorial by the Wilhelmina Plein and the pier

"I am the Resurrection and the Life" - in Papiamentu

The cemetery in Bonaire. They do not bury people in the ground here since we are living on an island of coral rock - it is hard to dig a hole - so they put the dead in above ground crypts or tombs

Friday, May 13, 2016

What a difference a week makes!

Greetings from Bonaire! 

Elder VV's fall on the Playa, just one week ago, was an adventure. 
Some people were wondering how things are. Well he is as good as new! All healed and though it looked terrible he now looks great. A 7 day make over...Here are the 4 faces of Elder VV

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Zone Conference

Greetings from Bonaire!

May 6th was our final Zone Conference . We arrived at the airport a few hours early per instruction for our flight at 8:40 am. We were told that there was really not a flight at that time. We waited to see if there would be space in the 10:40 flight...No such luck. Finally we flew out on the 1 pm flight so we waited about 5 hours to take a 20 minute flight to get to Curacao for our 11 am meeting and then returned to Bonaire at 9 pm! Insel Air should have some competition!

We had plenty of time to study and ponder and doze off and read and talk and play the BofM scripture game with the Elders and pose for pictures.

It was a great Conference and since it was supposed to start at 11am. We arrived just in time for lunch!

President Egbert taught about the Temple and we read from the scriptures about the Temple ordinances. It was a very important afternoon then it was back to Bonaire. 

The missionaries who would not be a the next Zone Conference were asked to bear testimonies. It made me think about all the things we have learned from the President and the missionaries and how thankful I am for this opportunity to serve a mission.

We have come to love so many of the missionaries and the Egbert's. It was a sad time saying goodbye

I know these pictures won't mean as much to you all. They are for me.

These young men and young women are representatives of Jesus Christ. They take their job seriously. They teach about our loving Heavenly Father, The Apostasy and the Restoration, the Book of Mormon and the Atonement.

While these young men and young women are still only kids and sometimes they act their age... we have learned so much from them and we have come to love them very much. The Lord is using them to do his work.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

"Rain drops keep falling on my head!"

Greetings from Bonaire!

The long awaited rain finally fell last night! It hasn't really rained since Christmas day. It has been very dry so the rain was much needed. We wanted to see how much rain and what was going on so we were on our way to go walking.

We got in the car and drove down to the playa. We got out our umbrellas even though it really wasn't raining very hard. As we walked Elder VV did not see a post sticking up because of his umbrella, and tripped over it!

He fell right flat on his face... "it was like a sledge hammer on my nose" he looked horrible. Passers-by came and wanted to call an ambulance but he was really ok he just looked bad and it kind of knocked the breath out of him. He got a cut on the bridge of his nose and a cut on his forehead. As he lay in the street bleeding his eye socked filled up with blood and so when he got up the blood dripped all over his face .

We just happened to have a doctors appointment that morning at 8:30 so we went home,cleaned up all the blood, and when we saw the doctor she said that he needed stitches.

It looks like he was in a big fight.  

Being a missionary is dangerous business. Let op! (be aware!)

Oops! I fell

All fixed up

Outside the doctor's office

Return to the crime scene