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Friday, December 25, 2015

Away in a Manger

Greetings from Bonaire!

In September we received a call from the Sisters saying that their bed was broken. 
At about the same time we learned that there was to be a trio of Sisters on the island. So we needed another bed. Elder VV discovered that the broken bed was a bunk bed and that he could repair it. With the help of the Elders they bought boards and screws and strips of wood and went to work. 

A few months later.....

December was upon us and we were preparing for the "Night in Bethlehem" play that the youth put on for the Branch Christmas Party. I borrowed a baby doll from Ellie and had a idea that Elder VV could make a manger with the scraps of wood left over from the bed. It didn't take long and he didn't have to spend any money because he had all the materials right here at the house. 
It was very nice to have a manger for the play and a place for baby Jesus to "...lay his sweet head".

"This Christmas season we celebrate the greatest gift of all, the gift that makes all other gifts possible- the birth of the babe of Bethlehem."
  - President Uchtdorf at the Christmas Devotional 

Merry Christmas to you all that we love so much.

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