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Thursday, December 3, 2015

Boo from Bonaire!


Halloween seems so long ago but, Ethan wants to know what happened at our Halloween party.
The Primary and the YM/YW joined forces to throw a great party right on the 31st of October.

The Primary wanted to have a Party for Halloween and the youth wanted to do a service project so we combined them and also had a missionary event that we could invite non members to.

Sister Bennion and Genesis
Genesis spearheaded the event and she is a great organizer.  Genesis did the planning and I helped with the food and shopping and cooking 

Face painting, donuts on a string, sack race, ring toss, bowling with cans, relay race with a rock in a spoon, pin the spider on the web, and a bean bag toss.

The food was mummies( hot dogs wrapped with refrigerator dough), Ellie Noij brought pumpkin soup, smiling teeth (apples with peanut butter sticking the marshmallow teeth together, punch, cupcakes, and a big watermelon monster with fruit coming out of his mouth, and eating donuts on a string without your hands.

We encouraged costumes and the children had a fun time going from game to game, getting their face painted and eating the yummy food.

Fredy N Kalala (YM leader) and Omar - brother to Genesis

Darling Demi our face painting witch

Genesis (dressed like Dora the Explorer) and Jayson

One of the guests with the painted face

Ellie's pumpkin soup, the smiles, and the cupcakes

Watermelon Monster, smiles, cupcakes - yum yum

Where is my mummy ?!

We had a Sister missionary trio (dressed like some TV show people) at the time - on the right and Sygridt, Mimi and Genesis

Supermen! Omar and brother James

Meow! Mimi and Dayra (one of my Primary kids)

Elders Prosman and Jennings working the crowd

Gisley the blue haired witch- one of my Primary children

Mayra Noij one of the landlady's children, and one in my Primary class
Who is that old old witch!?

Demi painting Nefi
A bunch of little pink witches
Kids and moms waiting for the fun to begin
Yalli is the little girl of our neighbor Ellie, the landlady. A cute little kitty cat!

An enjoyable time was had by all!

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