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Thursday, December 24, 2015

It's a Wonderful Life!

Greetings from Bonaire!

It hardly seems like Christmas as we sit in the heat studying the scriptures and typing on the computer. Then we hear about 12 inches of snow at home and more on the way! I really am dreaming of a White Christmas. 

We are not doing the traditional holiday things this year in our unique setting. We have been able to think more on the "Reason for the Season" Our Savior Jesus Christ.

On Monday the missionaries got a Christmas gift from the Mission President. They got to watch a movie (one movie a year). They could choose from 2 films, "Miracle on 34th Street" or "It's a Wonderful Life". They chose the latter and we had it on netflix so they came over to watch with us on our little laptop computer screen.

We had snacks and enjoyed the best Christmas movie ever made. One of the Sisters had never seem a black and white movie before and one of the Elders had never seen the movie. I feel kind of old. 

We love you all so much! We think of you and pray for you and thank Heavenly Father for you everyday.

It really is a Wonderful Life!

Love, Elder & Sister VV

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