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Monday, December 7, 2015

Dia de Gracia - Bonaire 2015

Thanksgiving - 2015 - Dia de Gracia

"All over the world at the end of day Heavenly Father's children kneel down to pray, each saying thank you in his own special way ...saying Thank you ,Thank you, in his own special way..."


Ellery and Nurgia Chirino and Sis VV
At first we didn't think that the Branch would celebrate Thanksgiving, since it is not a Bonarian or a Dominican holiday, but it was on the calendar. So when I saw the 10 pound turkey for $33.49 at the store I thought, well, we are going to have Thanksgiving at the church so I won't spend all that money.

They called it Thanksgiving and we talked about the things we are thankful for and we ate food but that is where the similarities ended. I am now more willing to consider the possibility of buying the turkey.
left to right - pink potato salad (beets make it pink), pasta salad, rice and beans, the quesadilla, turkey?/cabrito?, and bread

 Ellery bought a turkey but I think he had to stretch it to feed the 30 people who came to the dinner. Many people said this tasted a lot like cabrito!(goat) He insisted it was turkey.

The starch of choice is not potatoes, but rice and beans, the pink stuff is potato salad and the other salad was pasta with green olives filled with pimento. Genesis made chicken quesadillas and Suzanna brought cut-up fruit.
I made some lemon bars, and earthquake cake, the Sisters made chocolate chip cookies and Ramon made a pineapple upside down cake. There was as much dessert as main dish.
It was an assigned pot luck because the budget is almost gone for the year...we are saving a little for the Christmas dinner on the 19th of December.

Those wonderful women in the kitchen - Diana De Palm, Nurgia, Sister Ramirez
 After dinner President DePalm asked everyone to write on the white board what they were thankful for.

Counting our many blessings! President DePalm and wife Diana

Three generations - Susana, her son Leifer, and his son Hayden in his Swarte Piet hat


Melody and Genesis - "Isn't this food delicious!?"

So happy together!
Gisley, Aida and Jaun Escoto

Elder Jennings and Aury

We are in a perpetual state of confusion!         

We are so thankful to be here, for the restored gospel, these wonderful Branch members who we have come to love, the missionaries, for all our beloved family and friends.......  
             even in our perpetual state of confusion

                   Happy Thanksgiving to one and all!

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