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Saturday, December 26, 2015

Fredy N- Kalala

Greetings from Bonaire!

The Saint James School of Medicine is located here on the island. There are about ? (I don't know how many and now he is gone so I can't ask him - but a whole bunch) of  students from all over the United States are here studying to be doctors. One of the students is a member of the church and is from the Congo in Africa. Because of war in his country he and his family came to America and has been living in Utah, on the Avenues.

French is the language of the Congo, he came to Utah and learned English and then he served a mission to Tennessee Spanish speaking. He fits in perfectly on this multilingual island.

He contacted the church here before he came and has been a very valuable member of the Branch, ever since, serving as the YM/YW s Sunday School class teacher.

The unique thing about Fredy is how willing he is to "invite" he has invited many of his fellow classmates to church meetings and parties, and Wednesday night basket ball. One of his friends and fellow student, Mimi, was baptized last month.

The Medical School is moving to the Island of St. Vincent because of all the rules and regulations here from the Dutch government. We will miss Fredy and his faith and testimony he has been a great example and teacher to the youth.
He has a wonderful testimony of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ and is always willing to share it and "invite".

We feel blessed to meet and come to know so many wonderful people here on the Island of Bonaire.

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