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Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Greetings from Bonaire!

The Island started preparing for December 5th early. We first saw decorations and special foods in the store in October. Elder VV was so excited to see all his favorite treats and the prices were astounding ...compared to the prices in Utah. Chocolate letters, Kruid Noten, Taai Taai, chocolate muisjes and kikkers -(mice and frogs), stroopwafels - big and mini, speckulaas, amandel things and lots of other dutch delicacies.

As Sinterklaas approached we saw pick-up trucks with 6 or 7 of Swarte Piets in the back driving around the city, presumably to parties and all the children were having their pictures taken with Sinterklaas and Swarte Piets in the grocery store.

Sinterklaas and Christmas are two different and separate holidays . As soon as the 5th was past all the Christmas decorations went up and Sinterklaas was gone. In his place, Santa, Christmas trees, gifts with different wrapping paper and different treats. 

Ellie Noij, our upstairs land lady, and member of the branch came down with her girls, Mayra and Yalli with gifts for us for Sinterklaas. They gave me some hand cream made in Bonaire from the Aloe plant, and Elder VV some Flamingo hot sauce. It was very nice of them and we had a nice visit.

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